Sunday, November 27, 2011


I have a lot to be thankful for.  I try not to only think about it around Thanksgiving, but, now is as good a time as any. However, listing out all of the things I am thankful for would take way too long.  So, here are the top three:

I am thankful for my amazing friends--new, old, near, and far. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am without you.

I am thankful for my family, for the ups and downs and the unconditional love and support. My sister is my best friend and my parents are my foundation.

I am thankful for my education and the opportunities it will provide. I am blessed to be at Colorado State, in the Marriage and Family Therapy program, doing what I love.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Things I Will Never Understand About Airports

In my 25 years, I have done a looooot of traveling.  I also fly standby, which means it is never guaranteed that I will get on the flight I am listed on.  I am so thankful that I have the ability to fly for so cheap (thanks mom!) but it certainly doesnt cut down on the headaches of flying. It isnt even the flying, per say.  It is the airports. Here are a few things I've noticed about airports during my travels.

1  People do not know how to walk.  Walking down the terminal is just like driving on the highway...there are two lanes.  You wouldnt drive into on-coming traffic would you? Or, would you STOP in the middle of the highway?

2.  Kids with suitcases.  You know, the kids with the rolling Dora the Explorer or Cars suitcases who want to stop and stand in the middle of the walkway to look at something.  You'll be hurrying along and next thing you know, BAM, youve stubbed your toe on Dora's head.

3.  Women in heels.  Please tell me WHY anyone would want to run around the airport in 4 inch stilettos? It isnt a catwalk, its a jetway. Plus, imagine running into Dora's head in heels.  Ouch.

4.  The bathroom stall doors open IN.  So, when you go in with your suitcase, you have to maneuver yourself, bag, purse, and other belongings into the stall with only about 3 inches of space and a door that only opens in.  It is the same in every airport.  Notice it next time.

5.  People who dress for their destinations. For instance, the guy in line at security at Denver International Airport.  He was in shorts and a short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt with flip-flops.  It was snowing. Hey! Bet he's going somewhere tropical!

6. Passangers who do not realize that they arent on a private plane.  Some people just dont seem to realize that there are 100s of other passengers squeezed into that tight space with them. And, lets be real here, we dont care about the cruise you just took with 6 of your best girlfriends because one of them just got dumped.

These are my observations thus far. I am sure my list will continue to grow as I continue to fly

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


One of the hardest and most true statements there is. Thats all I have to say about that.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Over the last 10 months of doing therapy, I have come to appreciate and admire the resilience of our clients.  The stories of abuse, addiction, affairs, among others continue to shock me--and I hope they always will.  What also shocks me is the recovery process.

Tonight, for example, another therapist's client revealed extreme emotional, physical, and sexual abuse that continued well into his teen years.  Now in his late 30s, he is married and has 3 kids, whom he loves and respects in a way he never knew.  He is working through his trauma and his resilience and recovery is just incredible. This is therapy at work.

Even in the case of extreme trauma, many clients are able to process it and move forward.  Though it is a hard, often painful process, they are able to have successful families, even if they grew up in a home where abuse was normal.  They are able to maintain intimate relationships, despite an addiction or affair.  It is truly amazing.

Hearing these stories also makes me feel extremely blessed to have the life that I do.  It is a constant reminder that life isn't fair and some end up with a bad hand.  I am a lucky girl and very thankful for all I have.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My REAL self

I've finally accepted it.  I am the cat lady.  The good news is, I'm not the CRAZY cat lady (yet).

Friends have been jokingly calling me this for years.  So what if I like cats....a lot.... A lot of people like cats.  They happen to be the perfect pet: no walking, no barking, no having to clean a fish filter, and they fit perfectly in an apartment.

Halloween is the perfect time to be a cat lady.  Not only do I get to represent my true inner self on the outside (notice the costume), but I have the perfect Halloween accessory (my black cat). I was especially excited for the awesome cat vest I found at the thrift store.

Yes, it felt really good to finally portray the real me.  It isnt so bad, really, being the cat lady.  In fact, dressing up like it was really fun! Plus, I only have one cat...not 12.