I saw this link on Facebook and was interested in finding out the "100 ways to make your marriage rock." Obviously, since I am not married, I do not have the personal experience of trying to "make my marriage rock," but, when I read this I couldn't help thinking, "Well, hell...some of these are things you should do in any relationship--friends, parents, significant others, etc." Of course, there are exceptions to this rule-- #26 is not advised for parents or friends (unless it is that kind of friend relationship...which is fine, too). #29, #44, and # 45 you can certainly apply those to all your relationships--intimate or otherwise.
The good news about this list is that they are all do-able. These are the little things that make a relationship rock. Years of research has shown that just 5-15 minutes a day of one-on-one time can make all the difference between a relationship that grows together or grows apart. And, some of the things on this list take all of 30 seconds and can make a huge difference in someone's day.
Another way to look at this is to see the word "rock" as a noun, as in stable, heavy, 'you are my rock' type stuff. I think this list can be interpreted as "100 ways to make a relationship foundation." While rocking (the verb) is great--rocking it in the bedroom, rocking out in the car with girlfriends, or just rocking out to 90's music in the living room during an impromptu dance party--these things wouldn't be there without the relationship/friendship/familial 'rock'.
Plus, isn't an intimate relationship essentially an amazing friendship with some passion thrown in? Isn't a family bond one of the tightest and (hopefully) supportive relationships you can have? And, aren't friendships the relationships that get us through when we need it most? Bibbity Bobbity Boo.*
*Points if you understand this reference. Hint: you have to sing the rest of the song...
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