Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prized Possessions

Add the threat of potential evacuation due to wildfire to the list of things I have experienced since moving to Colorado two years ago.

In case you havent gotten online or turned on the TV in a few days, there is a 43K+ acre wildfire burning just 12 miles west of Fort Collins. It started Saturday morning because of a lightening strike and has grown bigger and more out of control every hour since. The air is grey and filled with smoke and flames can be seen from certain places in town. It is really scary. Of course, watching the news only makes it worse. 

On Sunday night, I started to panic and decided I would pack up some things that I wanted to keep safe, just in case I did have to evacuate. I dont know if yall have ever had to pack up valuables and prepare to leave home, but I have not. The only other time I remember doing anything of the sort was heading to the basement one afternoon after swim team practice because of a tornado.  I grabbed all the stuffed animals I could. 

As I began to turn in circles in my apartment, trying to decide what to put in the plastic box, here is what went through my head:

Madeline! She is the most important thing, but I cant very well put her into a plastic box and shut the lid--at least not without food. Pictures! I want my pictures! So, I take down all my picture frames and stacked them in the box. What next? Birth certificate and passport...tax info...car registration...PROOF OF RENTER'S INSURANCE.  That gets piled in next.  Now what? Do I own anything of value? Not really...some nice jewelry and heirlooms and some nice purses.  I throw those in on top.  There is still room. I'd grab computer, camera, and my diploma off the wall on my way out. What else?

And then something occurred to me.  Almost everything I have is replaceable. Sure, I have thousands of dollars worth of clothes and shoes, furniture, and books, but if I had to leave my apartment in a hurry with all that I could carry, none of those things would matter.  It is all just stuff.  When I am not threatened with having to evacuate, these things mean a lot to me, so it amazed me that I could so easily 
leave it behind if I absolutely had to. Sure it is nice to have, but, really, this stuff doesnt matter.  What does matter can fit into a cat carrier and a plastic tub. 

As of this post, the fire is beginning to get under control.  And, there is still room in the plastic tub, just in case....

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